‘We Can’t Be Passive’: With John Randal Phipps (PPC Victoria Candidate, at the Sept.1 Rally – GT018)

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A quick chat with PPC Victoria Candidate John Randal Phipps after the Sept 1 rally.  He addresses ‘Lies and Fraud’, being ‘Ferocious Canadians’, and even the challenge to put our personal hobbies on hold as this is a time to fight for our freedoms.  (Note: at 2:35, I meant to say “the rally on Wed” Sept 1st)   SEPT. 13 RALLY See poster or go to: www.canadianfrontlinenurses.ca/events LINKS/RESOURCES canadianfrontlinenurses.ca vaccinechoicecanada.com vanislethreads.ca action4canada.com   Thanks for listening & Until next time... Stay Curious – CJ :) *If you like what you hear and you think it’s important, please share it with as many people as you can… hopefully we can all become a little more aware and involved.* Buy us a Coffee $5...  a Beer $8... or some Time, Energy or Equipment $$ - Many thanks for all the Support!! www.governthis.ca www.facebook.com/governthis twitter: @WeGovernThis

A quick chat with PPC Victoria Candidate John Randal Phipps after the Sept 1 rally. 

He addresses ‘Lies and Fraud’, being ‘Ferocious Canadians’, and even the challenge to put our personal hobbies on hold as this is a time to fight for our freedoms. 

(Note: at 2:35, I meant to say “the rally on Wed” Sept 1st)


SEPT. 13 RALLY See poster or go to: www.canadianfrontlinenurses.ca/events



Thanks for listening & Until next time… Stay Curious – CJ 🙂

*If you like what you hear and you think it’s important, please share it with as many people as you can… hopefully we can all become a little more aware and involved.*

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a Beer $8… or some
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– Many thanks for all the Support!!

twitter: @WeGovernThis

‘We Can’t Be Passive’: With John Randal Phipps (PPC Victoria Candidate, at the Sept.1 Rally – GT018)
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